Iulius Business Centre
Alexandru Vaida Voevod Street, No. 53B, Cluj-Napoca, 400436, ROU
Cluj-Napoca Central Business Plaza
Ploiesti Street, No. 9, Cluj-Napoca, 400157, ROU
Expo Business Park Building 2
Aviator Popisteanu, 54A, Bucharest, 012095, ROU
City Gate
3-5 Piata Presei Libere, Bucuresti, 013702, ROU
Офис пакети за редовен достъп.
Членствата "Офис" осигуряват достъп до локации във всеки голям град. На ниски цени и при гъвкави условия.
Blessed with significant oil reserves, Romania’s diverse economy includes businesses from the petrochemical, metal processing and textiles industries among others. Work in this thriving European hub in our fully equipped office space and drive your business forward.