uJung Development
188 and 192, Bangbae-ro, Seocho-gu, Seocho-gu, Seoul, 06586, KOR
SEOUL, Gangnam Station Centre
16th Floor, Gangnam Building Seocho-gu, Seoul, 137-070, KOR
54 Eunhaengjeong-Ro, Yangcheon-Gu, Seoul, 08021, KOR
Haesung Building
4/F., Haesung Building, Seoul, 06178, KOR
Paquetes de oficina de acceso regular.
Las membresías de oficina le dan acceso a ubicaciones en todas las localidades y ciudades principales. Con precios bajos y términos flexibles.
Connect with other businesspeople and build a network in our modern coworking offices. When it’s time to switch from busy meetings to more relaxed settings, visit Hwaseong-si's beautiful botanical gardens or head to Chebu-do for leisurely beach walks and restaurants.