8 Parramatta Square
8 Parramatta Square Parramatta, Sydney, NSW, 2150, AUS
91 Phillip Street
91 Phillip Street, Sydney, NSW, 2150, AUS
27 Argyle St
27 Argyle St, Parramatta, NSW, 2150, AUS
Keskus avatakse peagi
150 George Street
150 George Street, Parramatta, NSW, 2150, AUS
Büroopaketid regulaarse juurdepääsuga.
Bürooliikmesused pakuvad juurdepääsu asukohtadele igas suuremas linnas. Madalate hindade ja paindlike tingimustega.
Stake your place in the booming area of Parramatta at minimal cost with a virtual office. It gives you a foothold in the market and an instant premium address, with access to workspace when you need it.