Graha Bukopin
Jl. Panglima Sudirman No.10-18, Surabaya, 60271, IDN
Keskus avatakse peagi
Pakuwon Centre
23rd Floor, Pakuwon Centre Tegalsari, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur, Surabaya, 60261, IDN
Büroopaketid regulaarse juurdepääsuga.
Bürooliikmesused pakuvad juurdepääsu asukohtadele igas suuremas linnas. Madalate hindade ja paindlike tingimustega.
Keep things simple for your guests by choosing the well-linked city of Surabaya as the location for your next business event. Book flexible a meeting room, where guests can arrive with ease via efficient rail, road, air and sea connections.