Levinstein-Clal Building
Levinstein-Clal Building, Racha Fraier, Beer Sheva, 84158, ISR
Keskus avatakse peagi
Beer Sheva
10 Yehuda Hanachtom St, Beer Sheva, ISR
Büroopaketid regulaarse juurdepääsuga.
Bürooliikmesused pakuvad juurdepääsu asukohtadele igas suuremas linnas. Madalate hindade ja paindlike tingimustega.
Welcome guests at Ben Gurion Airport before impressing them with our modern meeting rooms in Beersheba. When work’s done for the day, show them the best of the area at the Negev Museum of Art, Beersheba Theatre, or the Great Mosque of Beersheba.