Parkstraat 83
Haagsche Hof, The Hague, 2514 JG, NLD
The Hague Central Station
Koningin Juliana Plein 10, The Hague, 2595 AA, NLD
Rode Olifant
Zuid Hollandlaan 7, The Hague, 2596 AL, NLD
J.P. Coenstraat 7, The Hague, 2595WP, NLD
Pacotes de escritório para acesso regular.
As Associações Escritório oferecem acesso a localidades em todas as grandes cidades, com preços baixos e termos flexíveis.
Easily accessible from anywhere in the Netherlands, and boasting one of the country’s most popular beach resorts, The Hague is an ideal city for hosting and entertaining clients. Organise your next business gathering at one of our modern meeting rooms here.