Nybrokajen 7
Nybrokajen 7, Stockholm, 11148, SWE
Grand Central
Centralplan 15, Stockholm, 11120, SWE
Lilla Nygatan 23
Lilla Nygatan 23, Stockholm, 111 28, SWE
Olof Palmes Gata 29
Olof Palmesgata 29, Stockholm, 111 22, SWE
Pacotes de escritório para acesso regular.
As Associações Escritório oferecem acesso a localidades em todas as grandes cidades, com preços baixos e termos flexíveis.
Choose a flexible workspace in Stockholm and meet like-minded people in an international city. Use the nearby E20 to travel quickly to neighbouring towns and cities, gather clients and guests, and connect with potential customers in the area.