Hub Plural Caruaru
Rua José Florêncio Filho 115, Caruaru, Pernambuco, 55014-837, BRA
Give your business the professional address it deserves at our flexible, modern, and fully serviced offices in Caruaru. Be inspired by this culturally important city, where festivals and sports are firm fixtures on the calendar and traditional handicrafts add colour to every corner.
Work however suits you with as much space as you need, and the option to add space as and when you need to. Make an impression on guests from the word go with a modern office exterior and contemporary, spacious interior. Relax in the lounge area, network with fellow professionals in communal spaces, or focus on the job in a fully-equipped meeting room, bookable by the hour.
Тарифы «Офис» для регулярных посещений.
Благодаря членской программе «Офис» у вас всегда будет доступ к рабочим пространствам в большинстве крупных городов. Цены — низкие. Условия — гибкие.
Give your brand a credible presence in Brazil with a virtual office in Caruaru. Work alongside a variety of successful businesses and forge new connections in a diverse economy, all while working remotely from anywhere in the world.