A8 Music Building
1002 Keyuan Road Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518057, CHN
Connect with renowned technology companies in the High-Tech Industrial Park of Nanshan District with office space in the eye-catching A8 Music Building. Invite clients to visit this tower situated within the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Economic Zone - just a 30-minute drive from Hong Kong. And host them in one of the several world-class hotels within easy reach.
Work productively in light-filled offices with splashes of colour and refresh yourself in the stylish coffee bar. Enjoy a choice of restaurants, cafes and shops to keep you going throughout the day.
Paketi za pisarno z rednim dostopom.
Članstva za pisarno omogočajo dostop do lokacij v vsakem večjem kraju in mestu. Cene so ugodne in pogoji prilagodljivi.
Served by the Shekou ferry terminal, six metro lines and four railways, Nanshan District boasts transport links as far-reaching as Hong Kong, Zuhai and Macau. Gather your guests easily in our contemporary meeting rooms throughout the district.