Cape Verde Street
The Place Building, Cape Verde Street, Addis Ababa, 8111, ETH
Build your business from the heart of Bole with flexible, scalable workspace at Cape Verde Street. Become part of a diverse professional community including embassies, real estate firms and a thriving textiles scene, in this lively Addis Ababa neighbourhood.
Impress your guests from the moment they walk through the doors into the elegant lobby. Work in style with high ceilings, natural light and a thoughtfully designed, fully equipped meeting room. When it’s time to switch off, look no further than surrounding Bole to eat, drink and unwind.
Paketi za pisarno z rednim dostopom.
Članstva za pisarno omogočajo dostop do lokacij v vsakem večjem kraju in mestu. Cene so ugodne in pogoji prilagodljivi.
Collaborate easily in Ethiopia, the perfect setting to inspire you and your business. Network and connect in our flexible coworking spaces here. Take a break from the hustle and bustle of work by immersing yourself in Ethiopia's rich and diverse culture.