333 H Street
333 H Street, Chula Vista, CA, 91910, USA
Draw attention to your business from a striking SoCal location. 333 H Street's dramatic curves and red brick exterior grab attention from all around.
Inside, you’ll find a hive of diverse activity, with everyone from legal firms and fishermen to tech start-ups making their home in this booming mixed-use development. There’s also an onsite restaurant, if you don’t want to venture far, and several more peppered throughout the local area if you do.
Paketi za pisarno z rednim dostopom.
Članstva za pisarno omogočajo dostop do lokacij v vsakem večjem kraju in mestu. Cene so ugodne in pogoji prilagodljivi.
San Diego Bay lends Chula Vista a stunning ocean backdrop to impress your clients. Fully equipped Meeting Rooms are available in all sizes so you can train, pitch and discuss in style.