Schanzenstrasse 4a
Schanzenstrasse 4a, Bern, 3008, CHE
Find the perfect platform for your business with workspace at Schanzenstrasse 4. Commute to your workspace with ease, with office space conveniently located above Bern’s main train station.
Collaborate with colleagues in the open-plan co-working spaces and find focus and privacy in the light and spacious meeting rooms. Step outside of the office and find plenty of shops, restaurants and amenities all within a short walk.
Office Packages for regular access.
Office memberships provide access to locations in every major town and city. With low prices and flexible terms.
Collaborate with like-minded professionals in the metropolitan area of the city. Work together in our fully-equipped meeting rooms located throughout Bern. Travel easily using the excellent network of trains, trams, trolleybuses, and conventional motorbuses that serve the city.