818 Whitehorse Road
818 Whitehorse Road, Melbourne, VIC, 3128, AUS
301 Burwood Hwy
Greenwood Business Park, 301 Burwood Hwy, Burwood, VIC, 3125, AUS
1096 Doncaster Road
1096 Doncaster Road, Doncaster, VIC, 3109, AUS
Pusat yang segera dibuka
486 Lower Heidelberg Road
486 Lower Heidelberg Road, Melbourne, VIC, 3084, AUS
Paket Kantor untuk akses reguler.
Keanggotaan kantor memberikan akses ke banyak lokasi di setiap kota besar. Dengan harga terjangkau dan jangka waktu fleksibel.
Make it easy for clients to come to you with comfortable, well-equipped meeting rooms close to one of Melbourne’s major transport hubs. Welcome guests via the 109 tram line, running straight through the city, as well as the nearby Box Hill bus and rail stations.