Al Mansheia
Salah Salem Street, Down Town, Alexandria, 5372010, EGY
Pusat yang segera dibuka
Kafr Abdou
22, Abdulaziz Agima Street, Kafr Abdou, Alexandria, 5433113, EGY
Pusat yang segera dibuka
Kamarayet Roushdy Building
1st Floor, Kamarayet Roushdy Building, Alexandria, Alexandria Governorate, 21529, EGY
161 Abdel Salam Aref Street
161 Abdel Salam Aref Street, Alexandria, EGY
Paket Kantor untuk akses reguler.
Keanggotaan kantor memberikan akses ke banyak lokasi di setiap kota besar. Dengan harga terjangkau dan jangka waktu fleksibel.
Build an instant presence with a business address in Alexandria, the famous, historic location on Egypt’s north coast. Grow your visibility on the edge of the Nile delta with a virtual office here, wherever you are in the world.