\nVarat arī iegādāties biroja telpu biedra statusa programmu gan atsevišķām personām, gan komandām, kas nodrošina piekļuvi birojiem, coworking telpām un atpūtas telpām ar iespēju tās izmantot 5, 10 vai neierobežotu skaitu dienu mēnesī. Lai iegādātos biroju telpu biedra statusa programma atsevišķām personām, varat noklikšķināt šeit , savukārt attiecībā uz vairāku personu grupām sazinieties ar mums."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Vai es varu nomāt biroju uz dienu Indijā? Cik tas maksā?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Biroja telpu noma Indijā pa dienām vai pa stundām ir pavisam vienkārša, ja izmantojat mūsu pielāgojamās un izdevīgās dienas biroja iespējas. Tiešsaistes rezervācijas ir paredzētas vienai personai ar vienu apmeklētāju, ja nepieciešams. Ja jums nepieciešams dienas birojs lielākam personu skaitam, lūdzu, zvaniet mums vai iesniedziet informācijas pieprasījuma veidlapu, un mēs jūs atzvanīsim, lai vienotos par rezervāciju. Lai nomātu biroju uz visu dienu, noklikšķiniet šeit ."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Kādu veidu telpas es varu nomāt Indijā?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Mēs iznomājam plašu klāstu pielāgojamu darba telpu Indijā. Atrodiet biroja telpas, ko varat nomāt pa dienām, kā arī biroju kompleksus, ko varat nomāt ilgtermiņā un iekārtot ar sava zīmola dizainu un izkārtojumu. Mūsu privātie biroju ir radīti lietotāju ērtībām, tādēļ būs piemēroti ikviena lieluma uzņēmumam, sniedzot iespēju paplašināties tieši tad, kad tas būs nepieciešams. Nomai Indijā piedāvājam arī citas telpas, tostarp coworking telpas un apspriežu telpas."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Vai pastāv minimālais nomas periods?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Mēs zinām, ka uzņēmējdarbības vide ir ārkārtīgi mainīga, tādēļ piedāvājam elastīgus līgumus, kas ļauj ātri pielāgoties pārmaiņām. Mūsu biroja telpām nav minimālā nomas perioda, kas nozīmē, ka varat nomāt biroju uz laiku, sākot no dažām nedēļām līdz pat daudziem gadiem. Mūsu biroja telpu biedru statusa programma arī sniedz piekļuvi profesionālam birojam uz vienu, piecām, desmit vai neierobežotu dienu skaitu mēnesī."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Vai vēlaties iepriekš rezervēt biroja telpu Indijā?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Ja izmantojat Regus biroju pēc pieprasījuma Indijā, mēs iesakām rezervēt iepriekš, izmantojot Regus lietotni, pa tālruni vai tiešsaistē, lai jūs droši zinātu, ka telpas ir pieejamas. Tomēr, ja jūs Indijā nomājat biroju ar pilnu servisu uz pilnu laiku, varat vienkārši ierasties, kad vien jums tas ir nepieciešams, un strādāt."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Kādas iespējas ir pieejamas biroju ar pilnu servisu telpām Indijā?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Veidojot sava uzņēmuma mājas Indijā, jums ir pieejamas plašas biroja telpu izvēles iespējas. Izvēlieties no mūsu pilnībā aprīkotajiem dienas birojiem, mazajiem birojiem, pielāgotajiem birojiem vai plašajiem apartamentiem — viss ir pilnībā mēbelēts un gatavs lietošanai, kā arī visur ir pieejams lielātruma Wi-Fi tīkls."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Kas ir ietverts standarta Regus birojā?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Mūsu pilnībā aprīkotās biroja telpas ietver visu, kas jums varētu būt nepieciešams, lai strādātu savā stilā. Katram birojam ir ergonomiskās mēbeles, lielātruma Wi-Fi, kā arī brīva piekļuve atpūtas zonām. Atrodamies plaukstošos darījumu centros ar profesionālām štata komandām, tāpēc parūpēsimies par visu, tostarp par komunālajiem pakalpojumiem un uzkopšanu, lai jūs varētu koncentrēties uz sava uzņēmuma attīstību. Turklāt jums būs piekļuve dažādām citām telpām un pakalpojumiem, piemēram, rezervējamām apspriežu telpām, konferenču telpām un coworking telpām."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Vai varu sarunāt apskati?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Jā, mūsu komanda ar prieku jums izrādīs jebkuru no mūsu darījumu centriem un atbildēs uz visiem jautājumiem saistībā ar mūsu biroju telpām. Lai vienotos par apskati, zvaniet mūsu komandai vai veiciet rezervāciju tiešsaistē."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Ko ietver dalība biroja telpu biedra statusa programmā?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Ar mūsu biroja telpu biedru statusa programmu jūs varat izvēlēties, kā, kad un kur strādāt. Nomājiet biroja telpas pa dienām ar atlaidēm vai izvēlieties biedra statusa plānu, kas nodrošina piekļuvi birojam piecas, desmit vai neierobežotu dienu skaitu mēnesī. Pateicoties mūsu plašajam biroju tīklam un tūkstošiem centru visā pasaulē, jūs vienmēr varat atrast sev nepieciešamās telpas, lai strādātu savā stilā."}}]}
Kava Corporate
Plot No 10, Opposite Radisson Hotel, Metro Mall, Jaiprakash Nagar Metro Station, Wardha Road, Nagpur, Maharashtra, 440015, IND
Grow your brand at Kava Corporate, a flexible office space in Nagpur, a city known to have one of the largest economies in India. The main center of commerce and manufacturing in the Vidarbha region, this metropolis is projected to be the 5th fastest growing city in the world, making it the perfect location for start-ups as well as established enterprises. Present your brand as an eco-friendly by establishing your brand in this city actively involved with green initiatives with a focus on sustainable development and environmental conservation. Maintain overseas business relationships with ease as Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar International Airport, is just 3km away.
Take advantage of the smooth operations and accessibility provided by our friendly support team when you base your business at Kava Corporate. Access a range of modern meeting rooms, fully equipped with the latest business equipment including video conferencing technology and projectors. Utilise our comfortable coworking space and tap into the rich talent pool as you collaborate with others from a skilled workforce across various industries including IT, software, and manufacturing. Take regular breaks – enjoy a cup of coffee in our fully-stocked communal kitchen or immerse yourself in the cultural diversity of Maharashtra by visiting the vibrant markets and local restaurants.
Centrs drīz sāks darboties
Magneto Mall
Magneto Mall, NH 53, GE Road, beside Signature Homes 2, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, 492001, IND
Get straight to business with flexible workspace in Raipur’s bustling Magneto The Mall – a convenient, mixed-use complex where it’s easy to balance work and play. Build your network in the city’s CBD among high-profile tech companies, auto corporates and financial companies.
Tailor your workspace to fit your business’s needs across our stylish offices, coworking areas. Host events in style in our bespoke meeting rooms. Whether you need somewhere to eat, shop or stay the night, you’ll find everything you need, right here in the complex.
Shriram Business Park
Infornt of MGM Eye Institute Amaseoni, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, 493111, IND
Help your business rise in Raipur with brand-new office space on the fast developing, Shriram Business Park. Located in the capital and largest city of Chhattisgarh, network in this sought-after commercial park, filled with modern businesses of industry, IT and other diverse enterprises. Enjoy commercial conferences and entertainment in designated event spaces and benefit from a host of eateries that are growing on-site. Drive to work easily, located just off the main 130B highway and drive just 23 minutes to the city train and bus station that connects the city. Upscale as your business grows with office space for a flexible duration.
Work at the front and centre of the bustling Shriram Business Park - an impressive spot for visiting clients. Choose from two floors of private or shared workspace where you can work confidentially or connect with coworking professionals. Make the most of a welcoming reception area and friendly on-site support to help with your daily needs and enjoy free hot drinks in fully stocked kitchens with relaxed breakout areas for well-earned lunch breaks. Head for Raipur after work, only 21 minutes’ drive away for great restaurants and attractions to enjoy with your colleagues.
VM Towers
Suchitra Rd, Green Park, Kompally, Jeedimetla, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500067, IND
Position your business in a prime location in Hyderabad, the capital of southern India's Telangana state and enjoy flexible office space in this major centre for the technology industry. Thrive in this business area, where other entrepreneurs are setting up their base. Commute easily to your workspace using Suchitra or Gidimetla Village Bus Stops which are both on your doorstep. Suchitra Centre Train Station is around 2.3km away. Welcome visiting clients at Begumpet Airport which is around a 10km drive away. Whether you’re after a long- or short-term base, we have the ideal location.
Spark innovative ideas and find new opportunities to connect in this high-quality building in Hyderabad. Bring your ideas to life in designer workspaces, knowing you can rely on business-grade WiFi to keep you connected. Our friendly team is always on hand and happy to help should you need anything throughout the workday. Host workshops, hold interviews or present to clients in creative meeting rooms that are well-lit and thoughtfully designed. After work, entertain clients or take your mind off big projects – you’re surrounded by many restaurants and branded retail outlets, so there’s plenty to see and do.
Biroja telpu paketes regulārai piekļuvei.
Biroja telpu biedra statusa programmas sniedz piekļuvi centriem visās lielākajās pilsētās. Ar zemām cenām un elastīgiem noteikumiem.
Accelerate your business in India and join one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. Set up in our flexible office spaces and take advantage of the country’s booming consumer markets and technology sector.