A8 Music Building
1002 Keyuan Road Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518057, CHN
Connect with renowned technology companies in the High-Tech Industrial Park of Nanshan District with office space in the eye-catching A8 Music Building. Invite clients to visit this tower situated within the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Economic Zone - just a 30-minute drive from Hong Kong. And host them in one of the several world-class hotels within easy reach.
Work productively in light-filled offices with splashes of colour and refresh yourself in the stylish coffee bar. Enjoy a choice of restaurants, cafes and shops to keep you going throughout the day.
Pachete pentru birouri pentru acces regulat.
Abonamentele noastre pentru birouri vă oferă acces la locațiile din toate municipiile și orașele importante. Cu prețuri mici și termeni flexibili.
Served by the Shekou ferry terminal, six metro lines and four railways, Nanshan District boasts transport links as far-reaching as Hong Kong, Zuhai and Macau. Gather your guests easily in our contemporary meeting rooms throughout the district.