Na Strži 1702/65, Prague, 14000, CZE
Pujmanové 1753/10a, Prague, 14000, CZE
Lomnickeho 1742/2a
Lomnickeho 1742/2a, Nusle, Prague, 14000, CZE
River Garden
Rohanské nábřeží 678/23 8, Prague, 18600, CZE
Skrifstofupakkar með reglulegum aðgangi.
Skrifstofuaðildir bjóða upp á aðgang að staðsetningum í öllum stærstu borgum og bæjum. Lágt verð og sveigjanlegir skilmálar.
One of the biggest economic success stories of eastern Europe, the Czech Republic makes a dynamic base for businesses from a variety of sectors. Benefit from the many opportunities found across the region with a serviced office space in Czechia.