Paramount Business Complex
Unit 7 - Paramount Business Complex, Heliopolis, Cairo Governorate, EGY
Stay connected to clients from near and far when you base your business just 10 minutes’ drive from Cairo International Airport. Paramount Business Complex is in the upmarket district of Sheraton Heliopolis, surrounded by restaurants, gardens and historic palaces.
Keep your focus in the light-filled, secure offices on the ground floor, then relax outside on the terrace or entertain clients in the roof garden. Make the most of all the building’s facilities, including shops, a creche, a gym and a pool.
Skrifstofupakkar með reglulegum aðgangi.
Skrifstofuaðildir bjóða upp á aðgang að staðsetningum í öllum stærstu borgum og bæjum. Lágt verð og sveigjanlegir skilmálar.
Coworking office space is in an ideal location for flexible working. After office hours there is plenty of scope to visit the attractions of Cairo, including Cairo Tower, the Nile walkway, Mamsha Ahl Misr, and restaurants and shopping spots.