Parkland Building
Level 12, Parkland Building 2, Colombo, 00200, LKA
World Trade Centre Colombo
Level 26, East Tower, World Trade Center Echelon Square, Colombo, 00100, LKA
McLaren's Building
McLaren's Building No 123, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo, 00400, LKA
Bernards Business Park
Bernards Business Park No 106, Dutugemunu Street, Dehiwela, 10350, LKA
Skrifstofupakkar með reglulegum aðgangi.
Skrifstofuaðildir bjóða upp á aðgang að staðsetningum í öllum stærstu borgum og bæjum. Lágt verð og sveigjanlegir skilmálar.
Establish your business in the vibrant Sri Lankan centre of finance, enterprise and commerce. Surround yourself with flourishing businesses in industries such as travel, telecoms and insurance in our fully-serviced office space in Colombo.