MET Building
312 South Fourth Street, Louisville, KY, 40202, USA
East Witherspoon Street
222 East Witherspoon Street, Louisville, KY, 40202, USA
Ormsby III
10200 Forest Green Boulevard, Louisville, KY, 40223, USA
10200 Linn Station Road
10200 Linn Station Road, Louisville, KY, 40223, USA
Miðstöð opnar bráðlega
Skrifstofupakkar með reglulegum aðgangi.
Skrifstofuaðildir bjóða upp á aðgang að staðsetningum í öllum stærstu borgum og bæjum. Lágt verð og sveigjanlegir skilmálar.
Many companies have set up home in the major commercial centre of Louisville on the Ohio River. The ideas will soon flow when you make connections with fellow entrepreneurs in our dynamic and sociable Coworking spaces.