1 Manhattanville Rd
1 Manhattanville Rd, Purchase, NY, 10577, USA
Energise your business with flexible office space on Manhattanville Road. Nestled in the countryside in New York State, Purchase is a small town known for its attractive landscape. Make the most of New York’s international reputation and win new business for your brand in a world-leading economic hub. When you’re commuting or meeting clients, use the quality road links on your doorstep to make travelling a breeze. You can reach several key roads just outside the office, including Interstate 468 and Interstate 95, giving you easy access to New York City and neighbouring states.
Put your brand on the map in Purchase and get to work right way in a fully furnished workspace. Bring out your best work inside an ultra-modern office and feel relaxed in a building set on 43 acres of manicured grounds. Meet like-minded professionals in a state home to 8 million people and mingle with potential clients in our dedicated coworking areas. Transform your pitches and level up your presentations using all the latest tech, from videoconferencing equipment to projectors. When you’re ready to meet, book a room by the hour using our handy app.
Skrifstofupakkar með reglulegum aðgangi.
Skrifstofuaðildir bjóða upp á aðgang að staðsetningum í öllum stærstu borgum og bæjum. Lágt verð og sveigjanlegir skilmálar.
Enhance your business with flexible office space in Purchase. Nestled in the countryside in New York State, Purchase is a small town known for its stunning landscape. Give your brand a presence in a sought-after area and bring out your best work in a calm environment.