Peninsula Town Center
4410 East Claiborne Street, Hampton, VA, 23666, USA
Be part of a growing business community in the heart of the waterfront city of Hampton, Virginia. The Peninsula Town Center has caught the attention of top businesses and is becoming increasingly popular with the nation’s housing, retail and hotel developers.
The modern-looking building features a signature baby blue roof and windows, complementing the striking yellow and grey interior design. Conveniently located at the centre of the shopping district, the building is within easy walking of hotels, shops and restaurants.
Skrifstofupakkar með reglulegum aðgangi.
Skrifstofuaðildir bjóða upp á aðgang að staðsetningum í öllum stærstu borgum og bæjum. Lágt verð og sveigjanlegir skilmálar.
Give your guests the opportunity to explore coastal Virginia from a base in Hampton. Ideally located on the East Coast and easily accessible by car, train and air, our flexible meeting rooms provide a modern space to talk business.