Saddle Brook Center is located in Bergen County's most sought-after business address ' a pleasant suburban location just moments from a central transportation hub. The landmark building features a newly renovated, modern reception and lobby area and offers a host of amenities. The entrance to Manhattan via the George Washington Bridge is 10 minutes east and Newark International Airport is 25 minutes south. New York City itself is one of the three 'command centres' of the world economy, and home to the United Nations and the world's two largest stock exchanges. Many of the world's top financial institutions are headquartered here and it is a major center for TV, film and theatre, insurance, real estate and technology.
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Vyberte si jednu z nižšie uvedených možností a začnite
Informujte sa u odborníka o možnostiach a cenách
Rezervujte si prehliadku tohto centra a objavte viac
Začnite si budovať skutočnú prítomnosť ešte dnes
Získajte pravidelný prístup do tejto lokality a našej globálnej siete
Rezervujte si priestor na rozhovor, školenie alebo zasadnutie